Google Set Up & Training

If you already have your website site up, and even possibly funnels in place it doesn’t necessarily mean you know how well they are performing, or if you are even tracking actions by your customers online.

Things you should be able to find out from a correctly set up website:

  • How many unique people have visited any specific page on your website
  • How many visitors leave without browsing any further
  • How many are using mobiles vs tablets vs laptops
  • Which stage of your funnel users are dropping off at
  • How long users are staying on your pages
  • How much income is being generated by each action being completed, e.g. a form completion, a purchase, a sign-up, button click
  • The personal interests of your audience
  • The age, gender and location of your audience
  • Which stage of the purchasing funnel y0ur users are at
  • Much, much, much more! 
Google Analytics Video Thumbnail Image

"...90% of all internet users see Google Display Ads"

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